Friday, November 5, 2010


Rebounding the ball is considered the job of all players and especially the centers. Rebounding means actually catching the ball as it drops from the board. There are essential techniques for rebounding and they are:
1) anticipating the position of the ball
2) boxing out: putting your body in front of other players to prevent them from catching the ball.
3) anticipating the time to jump.


Who is the player in the picture?
What is his position?
Why do we need to box-out?


Passing the Basketball can be done in many different ways. When you learn the art of passing you will be able to pass the ball in many fun and different styles. Players can be very creative in the way the move the ball from one player to the other.

Types of passing:

1) chest pass: passing the ball from the chest position and aiming  at the players chest too.
2) bounce pass: using the ground to bounce the ball in order to reach the other player.
3) lob pass: passing the ball while in the air and not touching the ground.


what kind of passing do you most enjoy?
why do you pass the ball?
who do you think is the best passer in the NBA?


Dribbling is considered one of the most important aspects of Basketball. In order to excel at dribbling you should always keep your eyes on the player in front of you and the net. Never keep your eyes on the ball.

Types of dribbling:

1) straight dribbling: dribble the ball with one hand in a straight line
2) cross-over: moving the ball from one hand to the other while bending your knees
3) spin: : using your back to move the ball from one hand to the other while spinning and changing direction.

What type of dribbling do you think is the most important?
What type of dribbling do we see in the picture?
How can you improve your dribbling Techniques?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Welcome to class!!

Hello everyone,

I would like to welcome you in our official class blog... I'm really excited to start this class and hope this blog will help us become great basketball players!!